to VisitMerano

The site for Merano lovers
The city of Merano and its immediate surroundings are not without reason considered the pearl of South Tyrol. The spa town lies at the confluence of the Adige and Passer rivers and had already gained a reputation as one of the most popular health resorts in Europe during the Belle Epoque. Our region owes its pleasant and truly relaxed atmosphere to the warm climate, its lovingly tended parks, the varied but elegant architecture of its buildings and the peaceful coexistence of its German and Italian populations. On Visitmeran.it you will find exciting and entertaining information about Merano, but also about the nearby towns with sights, the things to do and those accommodations that are really worth considering!
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Hotel openings Merano 2024
Hotel openings and offers 2024
Are you longing for an unforgettable stay in Merano? Here you will find - sorted chronologically by opening date - an up-to-date list of the opening dates of the best hotels in Merano - as well as their offers for the start of the season 2023.
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Recommended accommodations
Fresh Stuff
The latest entries from the VisitMerano blog
"TuesdayEvening" in Merano
Tuesday Evening in Merano 2024

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long summer evening Merano
The long summer evenings in and around Merano
When the sun sinks into the horizon and the street lamps ignite a gentle evening light in the picturesque streets of Merano and the surrounding villages, the night comes to life. These are the moments when the long summer evenings in and around Merano unfold their full beauty.

Whether you're a fan of live music, enjoy socializing in a relaxed atmosphere, or just want to admire the beautiful scenery on a stroll - the summer evenings in Merano have something for everyone.

This is the magic of the long summer evenings here: the mix of music and humanity, culture and culinary delights, that fills the air. Under the starry sky, street artists, games, and local culinary specialties invite you to linger, discover, and enjoy.

Come and see for yourself how Merano and its surroundings light up on summer nights. It's a time of joy and carefreeness, a time you shouldn't miss.

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Hotel Christmas Market Merano
The top hotels for the Christmas Market in Merano
Planning a visit to Merano during Advent and looking for the best hotel for the Merano Christmas Market?

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Learn more about the villages in Merano & surroundings